Queen of Heaven Blessings In A Backpack is still passing out backpacks full of food for Green students at the Intermediate School Pantry. Emergency backpack pick-up with be on Thursday, April 2, (the school personnel will be passing them out). The bags have two weeks of worth of food in them. Blessings also have backpacks ready to go to pass out to the students on Thursday, April 16. They are currently feeding 206 families in Green but are expecting a surge since COVID-19 Pandemic. THEY ARE NOT TAKING VOLUNTEER HELP AT THIS TIME BUT BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK IS IN NEED OF FOOD FOR MAY FOR THEIR SUMMER PROGRAM. They are not collecting the food now because of safety reasons but THEY WILL START COLLECTING SOMETIME IN MAY (keep checking website for updates on where to drop off the food collected).
Peanut butter jars (plastic)
Jelly (squeezable containers or plastic jars)
Hearty Soup Cans
Mac & Cheese (Boxed)
Pasta in a Can (Sphaghettios with Meatballs)
Applesauce (48 oz Plastic Jar)
Pudding Cups
If everyone does just a little bit by picking up an extra can of soup, mac & cheese, etc. when grocery shopping then we can help feed the kids of Green! Email Jennifer at [email protected] if you have any questions.