OUR MISSION: Queen of Heaven Parish is a prayerful, vibrant and proactive community sharing Christ's love through numerous ministries.
Right to Life Northeast Ohio is seeking a mission-driven, experienced non-profit business leader. The ideal person would successfully execute a strategic business plan and have a passion to provide leadership for pro-life strategic principles, programs and services. Public speaking and fundraising skills are also a plus. The Executive Director shall also demonstrate a vibrant personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and be an active member of a local church. This position will report to and work with a board of directors out of our office in Akron, Ohio. This is a full-time position with a competitive salary. For a complete job description, contact our office at 330-762-2785, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. To apply for this position, submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected] and use the subject: RTL Exec Director Job. |