Illuminare with Jon Simsic, Music Director, presents The Waiting Sky: Sacred Choral Music of Comfort and Joy, Saturday, November 20, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Louis Catholic Church, 300 N. Chapel St. in Louisville. Jon Simsic, plays organ at Queen of Heaven Parish 8:15 a.m. Mass, he is Organist/Choir Master at St. Joseph's in Canton, and he is the Music Director of Illuminare, an ensemble composed of collegiate and professional musicians from the greater Youngstown area who are dedicated to performing sacred choral music. Choral compositions by Sheppard, Tallis, Handel, Duruflé, Harris, Hovhaness, Todd, and others will be sung at the concert. A freewill offering will be accepted at the concert to benefit the ensemble. For further information, visit the ensemble on their Facebook page, SalemYouthChorus.Illuminare, or call 330.607.6320.