The Catholic Cemeteries Association offers free, safe, and compassionate monthly Grief Support meetings in-person in six of our offices and virtually: For details, visit:
Embrace Clinic & Care Center is seeking an Administrative Assistant. This person will greet all visitors, answer incoming phone calls, and check in clients. They will be responsible for scheduling appointments and perform other administrative tasks as needed. This position is part-time, M-F 10:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For full job description, email [email protected] or call 330-825-1900.
The St. Francis de Sales grade school graduating class of 1973 is holding a 50th year class reunion on November 11, 2023. They are looking for classmates that graduated from St Francis in 1973 or anyone that was in their class at any time between 1965 (first grade) and 1973 (8th grade). Please contact either [email protected] or [email protected] or follow them on Facebook
The Confraternity of Christian Mothers of St. Paul Parish would like to invite all Catholic women to the following events to help each other grow in our vocations. The confraternity is open to all Catholic women and seeks to support each other in prayer and to help promote a strong, Catholic spiritual life in our families and parishes. Join us Saturday, November 4: “Home Management from A Catholic Perspective: Peace Not Perfectionism,” and Saturday, March 16: “Homeschool Panel” (with veteran women who have homeschooled using different philosophies). We will have a potluck breakfast/ brunch at St Paul Parish, Parish Activity Center,1580 Brown St., Akron, 44301, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. There will be time for fellowship as well so bring friends. Please bring a food item to share. Kindly RSVP to Amy Karcher at [email protected] by Saturday, October 28.
It’s something new for grandparents! If you are a grandmother or grandfather and would like to learn some practical tips for connecting with your grandkids to help them carry on the Catholic Faith, join us on Friday, October 27 in Room 111 at 6:30 p.m. for the next meeting of the SS. Anne and Joachim Grandparenting Group at St. Paul Church, 1580 Brown St, Akron, OH 44301. The next two month’s meetings are on Fridays, November 17, and December 15. This is a cluster ministry hosted by St. Paul. For questions, please contact Ellen Barber (330) 801-0463. NOTE: For this meeting enter through the school doors off the North parking lot.
Introduce your 7th and 8th graders to vocational discernment with a visit to Boromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries! During Discover Days the students will tour the seminaries, attend Mass with the seminary community, and meet and hear the testimonies of seminarians and religious women and men from the diocese. Discovery Days are Wednesdays, November 8, 2023, and January 31, 2024. Lunch is provided for a minimal cost. For more information or to register, contact the Diocese of Cleveland Vocation Office at (440) 943-7631. Space is limited so register soon!
Join the Green Family YMCA for a “Night at the Races” fundraiser at Queen of Heaven Parish Life Center on November 3, 6:00-10:00 p.m. The event is a fun night of horse racing, side bets, games, and laughter! Tickets are $40.00 per person which includes dinner, beer & wine. Buy a horse for $20.00 and take your chances to win cash! All funds raised will benefit the Green Family YMCA. To purchase tickets, go to
SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, June 9, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., the Diocese of Cleveland will celebrate with all couples married in 1974. Contact the Diocese Marriage and Family Office at (216) 696-6525 if you have any questions. This year we will also begin printing the certificates once a month so couples can request them early and have them for their anniversary parties.
The ITE Project is hosting its first “Faith & Science: Climate Change & Environmental Stewardship” workshop to ask the hard questions and talk about the uncomfortable aspects regarding our role in creation. Join The ITE Project on November 4, 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., at Firestone Park Coventry Oaks Lodge (40 Axline Ave., Akron, OH). The day will include guided discussions by experts, presentations, and panel discussions. Presenters for the evening include Dr. Hitzhusen of The Ohio State University, Father Dominic Gideon of St. Albert the Great, and Molly Burhans, the founder of GoodLands: Making Land Work for Good. Also joining the panel will be the Summit County Metro Parks. A catered lunch and a Hot Chocolate Bar is included. This event is open to all who are concerned for our environment and wish to participate in healthy discussions about it. Registration is required for planning purposes at
The arm of St. Jude Thaddeus, venerated in Rome from ancient times, will be on pilgrimage in the United States, making only 100 stops and will be visiting St. Sebastian Parish, 476 Mull Ave. Akron, on Thursday, November 2nd. Veneration of the relic will begin at 1pm. A special Mass in honor of St. Jude will be at 7 pm. After Mass, veneration will continue until 10 pm. Known as the Apostle of the Impossible, Saint Jude is revered for his unwavering dedication and steadfast faith. Millions have experienced his intercession in times of adversity and need. We hope you will be able to come and experience his transformative presence. For more information visit
Through the Angel Scholarship Fund, you can now contribute funds that will be used to provide tuition assistance for students to attend our Catholic schools, for which you may receive a 100% Ohio income tax credit of up to $750 ($1,500 if married filing jointly) against your 2022 state tax liability. In other words, the state of Ohio allows you to "spend" some of the state income taxes you must pay anyway to provide tuition assistance for students seeking an education in our Catholic schools. The Angel Scholarship Fund is a win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our Catholic schools. Click on the title to go to a short video explains how easy it is to contribute to the Angel Scholarship Fund.
In additon to weekly Sunday classes, students in Kindergarten through eighth grade, and their families are required to participate in Queen of Heaven Parish events of their choice. Please see the following attached events list. Keep checking back to the PSR webpage, as more events will be added to the attached list throughout the school year.
The Diocese of Cleveland Eucharistic Revival Art Contest, for students in grades 2-12, has begun. Submissions will be accepted until January 12, 2024. The theme of the contest is "Eucharist: Bread of Life." For guidelines and directions to submit artwork, go to eucharistic-revival/art-contest (click on the title).
Please remember Father David Durkee and Father James Semonin and all priests in your prayers. Maybe send them a note telling them your appreciation! Click on the title for a prayer for all Priests and Seminarian in the Dociese of Cleveland.
Sponsored by Queen of Heaven High School & Jr. High Youth, Sunday, October 29, 1-2:30 p.m. in the Parish Life Center...Food, Games & Prizes. Click on the title for more details.
All Saints' Day, a Holy Day of Obligation, is on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Please click on the title for a list of all Masses for this day (and vigil).
October 16-22, 2023 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week! Having an up-to-date will in place is a powerful way to plan for the future and protect the people and ministries you care about. Thanks to the Catholic Community Foundation’s partnership with Freewill, you can use their free self-help estate planning platform. You will be guided through the process of writing your legal will in 20 minutes or less. It is a great way to support your parish, Catholic Charities, Catholic Education, Priestly Formation, or another ministry of the diocese. Get started at
A private, annual, healing retreat hosted by Bethesda House of Mercy will be on October 20-22, 2023 at the Loyola Retreat House (700 Killinger Rd, Clinton, OH). All women who are suffering after an abortion are invited. Come and encounter the mercy of the Lord through the sacraments, prayer, and scripture. For more information, call 1-800-482-4100 or email at [email protected].
Exalt! Monthly Hour of Adoration for H.S. Youth and the parish community includes praise & worship music and quiet Adoration. We will kick of The first Exalt! Hour of Adoration on Thursday, October 19. 8:00-9:00 p.m.
The 37th Annual Blanket Sunday in-parish appeal kicks off the weekend of October 14-15, 2023. Please drop off the envelope you received during Mass on the following weekend at Mass (October 21-22) or drop off at the parish office. Click on the title for more information.