Every day, more than 3,000 children are killed in our country through abortion, and most of their bodies are discarded with medical waste. Please join Right to Life of Northeast Ohio on Saturday, September 9, as we observe the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children at 1:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Cemetery in Akron. Participants include Rep. Steve Demetriou (Ohio’s 35th District), Rev. Bob Schneider (The Chapel, retired), and more. Visit our website at www. rtlofneo.com for more information and to register your attendance.
Please join The Padre Pio Prayer Group of Cleveland for "Padre Pio Gala" on Friday, September 22, 2023, to celebrate his feast day. "Padre Pio Gala" will begin with a 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass at St. Barnabas Church (9451 Brandywine Road, Northfield, OH 44067), and then will be followed by a dinner at Gambitta's Party Center (160 E. Aurora Road, Northfield, OH 44067) from 7:00-11:00 p.m. Dinner tickets are $35.00 (casual dress) and will include a Cash Bar. There will be music, raffle tickets for a trip to our Italy Pilgrimage in April 2024, raffle baskets, American flag quilt raffle, “A Wheel Barrel Full of Spirits," Silent Auction items and more! Tickets MUST BE purchased by Friday, September 15. Please call Mary Dye at (330) 604-8210 for a reservation and more information. This event is sponsored by The Padre Pio Prayer Group of Cleveland (www. padrepiocleveland.org).
Join The ITE Project and for BE MORE, a retreat in the spirit of St. Pope John Paul II, October 6th-8th at Loyola Retreat House in Clinton. This all-inclusive three-day retreat (twonight stay), includes a Welcome Package, meals, snacks and beverages, incredible speakers and activities, a Vigil Mass, and opportunities for Confession and priestly spiritual direction. Most excitingly, all of this is 50% off because of the generosity of ITE benefactors! Specifics, including speakers and schedule, are available on the website. ALL young adults are WELCOME including the married, single, discerning, and parents with nursing babies. Register by Friday, September 22, at https://www.theiteproject.com/ events/bemore.
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children will be held at the Grotto at Little Flower Parish, 2040 Diamond Street NE, Canton, Ohio on Saturday, September 9th at 10:00 a.m. The Pro- Life Stations of the Cross will be led by Fr. Feicht. Speakers will be Pastor Moss and Christy Ballor. Contact Linda at (330) 705-8814 or [email protected].
Right to Life of Northeast Ohio invites you to enjoy a round of golf, good food, prizes and camaraderie at the beautiful Silver Lake Country Club on Monday, September 11. Registration opens at 7:00 a.m., breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m. with a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start. Registration fee is $125.00/golfer and includes putting green, driving range, lunch, golf with cart, beer and soft drinks on the course, dinner, and great prizes. Your support helps us to continue with our mission to save lives NOW! To register, call (330) 762-2785 or visit our website at www.righttolifeofnortheastohio.com.
St. Mary School, Akron, provides a quality education for inner city students, most of whom are from families living below the poverty level. Students face many challenges and need help with homework and basic skills. The St. Mary Enrichment Center invites adults and college and high school students to work with a student in its After School Enrichment Program on Thursday afternoons from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Volunteer Orientation will be September 14, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. and the enrichment sessions begin September 21, 2023. For more information and to volunteer, please email, call or text Deb at debsesek@gmail. com or (234) 206.1069.
The Catholic Cemeteries Association invites you to attend a 1-hour pre-planning seminar on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Cemetery. Learn about your Catholic burial options, including options for cremated remains. Attendees will receive a personal reference guide and a special savings certificate. We kindly ask that you RSVP to Holy Cross Cemetery, 100 E. Waterloo Road, Akron, at (216) 641-7575, ext. 7 or email [email protected].
Grandparents bring your grandchildren, grandchildren bring your grandparents and of course, parents are welcome too, for a fun afternoon on Sunday September 10, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You do not need to be a member of the South Akron Knights of Columbus, but we do ask you register. We will start and end the afternoon with a prayer, and in between we can play games such as corn hole, bocce ball, water balloon toss, tug of war, cake walks and more! To help cover the cost, it will be $5.00 per person to attend. If you have any questions, call our Grand Knight Steve Dort at (330) 212-7315, or go to our website at https://akronkofc.com. We are also in need of volunteers to donate cakes for the cake walk, help set up, run stations, grill, and clean up. Sign-ups to attend and to volunteer will be at the hall at 2055 Glenmount Ave. Akron, Ohio, 44319.
Please join in an interfaith Prayer Service on the Eve of National Overdose Awareness Day (8/31/23) on Wednesday, August 30, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Vincent Church, 164 W. Market St., Akron, to remember those who have lost their lives to the disease of addiction, to pray for healing in our families and community, and to share the hope that is possible in recovery. All are welcome to come and pray and share together. Light refreshments and community resource tables will be available at the end of the prayer service. For more information contact Deacon Andy Davis at [email protected] or call (330) 535-3135. The event is co-sponsored by Arc Recovery/Community of Christ, Catholic Charities/ St. John’s Recovery Outreach Center, Church of Our Saviour, New Hope for Recovery, South Street Ministries, and St. Vincent de Paul Parish.
Christ lovingly implores us to “Go and make disciples.” If you know a family member, friend, neighbor or coworker who is searching for a more meaningful life, then reach out to them with an invitation to explore what it means to be a Catholic – your invitation could be life-changing for them and for you! Information sessions, for those interested in learning more about the RCIA program, will take place after all Masses the weekend of September 23 & 24, 2023, in the church. Our RCIA formation classes, will be begin, Monday, October 2, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Room 3 in the Parish Life Center, and will continue through the 2024 Easter Season. If you know anyone interested in our learning more about the Catholic Faith, please contact the parish office at (330) 896-2345. Click on the title to go to the RCIA webpage.
The Little Rock Bible study will run every Wednesday for ten sessions skipping Thanksgiving week (ends on November 29). The cost of the materials is $20.00. Contact Terry or Sue by email [email protected] or the parish secretary at [email protected] by Monday, September 11, to register so materials can be ordered. Click on the title for a full description.
Are you feeling called to a deeper spirituality? Then consider becoming an associate of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. The Office of Associates of the Dominican Sisters of Peace extends an invitation to lay Christian women and men interested in deepening their personal spiritual lives and reaching out to others with their gospel values. Dominican Associates of Peace carry out the gospel mission through prayer, study, community, and ministry. Please join us on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for an information session at the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Akron Motherhouse, 1230 W. Market St., Akron, Ohio 44313. For more information or to register please contact Sr. Mary Noel,
A "Caring and Sharing" session for those struggling with divorce, separation or widowhood will be held on Monday, August 14th from 7:30-9:00 pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary's Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene, a retired Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information, call Marlene (330)607-6284.
On August 13-15, 2023, we will celebrate the Assumption Triduum. As is tradition at St. Joseph, Randolph, the celebration of the Triduum is in the Grotto of Mary. All Triduum Masses will be held at 7:00 p.m. each night in the Grotto (always weather permitting). The first day of the Triduum is Sunday, August 13. The celebrant will be Fr. John Rovnak. Rosary recitation will be led by the Altar & Rosary Society. The Vigil Mass is Monday, August 14, with Fr. Robert England presiding. Rosary recitation will be led by St. Bernadette’s Ministry. The Feast of the Assumption is Tuesday, August 15. Fr. Fritz Schlueter is the celebrant. Rosary recitation will be led by the Catholic War Vets. After each night's Mass there will be a candle-lit rosary procession around the Grotto. There will be light refreshments served after each Mass, funded by the ministry leading the Rosary that evening. Please bring your lawn chairs if you do not plan to sit in the Grotto pews.
Join us on Monday, August 21, at 7:00 p.m., as we welcome our guest speaker Bishop Edward Malesic, Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, at Our Lady of the Cedars, 507 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road in Fairlawn. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Program begins at 7:30 p.m. There is a $15.00 admission fee. Light appetizers are included. A cash bar will be available. Sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish, Akron. Please Note: For this event only, all tickets must be purchased in advance. No purchases will be received at the door. Scan the QR code or drop off a check at St. Sebastian
Please join Queen of Heaven Parish as we welcome Trapper Jack back to speak about "Eucharist: A Challenging Truth to Swallow" on Tuesday, September 19, at 6:30 p.m. (1800 Steese Road, Uniontown). After 30 years away from the Catholic Church, it was the Blessed Mother who brought blind radio host, Trapper Jack, back. A series of miraculous encounters reignited his faith and now fuels his inspirational talks. Since departing secular radio, Trapper has used his microphone to share his faith through inspirational presentations, the Touched by Heaven podcast and Men's Morning Light on YouTube. All are welcome. There will be light refreshments afterward. Click on the title for complete information.
Bethlehem Christian families wood carvers are coming to Queen of Heaven the weekend of September 19 & 20. They will display their wood carvings from the Holy Land after all Masses that weekend.
All Queen of Heaven parishioners are invited to attend a series of outdoor Eucharistic Holy Hours including praying the Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, at the various shrines and gardens around our parish grounds. Adoration is at 6:30 p.m. each evening. Monday, October 2 - St. Therese of Lisieux Memorial; Monday, September 25 - St. Francis Shrine; Monday, October 9 - Marian Shrine to the right of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel; Monday, October 16 - Divine Mercy Shrine in the Woods; Monday, October 23 – Crucifixion at the 12th Outdoor Station of the Cross; Tuesday, October 24 – St. Joseph the Worker Shrine; Monday, October 30 – Sacred Heart Shrine; and Monday, November 6 – St. Dymphna Shrine.
Journey to Peace Bereavement Support – a ministry of information, consolation, spiritual, and emotional support – is offering a free six-week series on Mondays at Queen of Heaven Church from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space beginning on Monday, September 11 and running through October 16, 2023. The ministry members will strive to provide support and guidance for daily living for anyone suffering grief, whether recent or lingering from the past. For more information or to register, email Sue at [email protected], or call the parish office at (330) 896-2345.
Like to sew? We are folks who get together monthly at Queen of Heaven to sew, socialize, and plan and make projects for groups and people within our community. Please join us if you would like be a part of a fun group with a purpose. All skill levels are welcome: sewing, ironing, cutting, planning. But most of all, we welcome YOU! We will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is Wednesday, September 27, in the PLC at 1:00 p.m. Any questions, please call the parish office at (330) 896-2345.