Please join us as we celebrate 60 years as a parish. Click on the title to register to attend our 60th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, June 30, 11:00 am Mass with Bishop Malesic & a Presentation with a light lunch afterward in the PLC. You must register if you or any of your family members are attending. Thank you!
Please join us at the Altar & Rosary Card Party on Thursday, June 6th. $5 Admission at the door. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Light supper served. There will be dozens of Raffle Baskets, a 50/50, and a grand prize of one-week condo vacation at Myrtle Beach. Condo prize tickets $10 donation. Inviting all men and women to come and enjoy this popular annual event. Contact Dorothy at (330)854-3547.
Damascus Mission & Fr. Eric Garris invite you to come to our Father & Son Event, Sunday, June 2, 2024, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Happy Days Lodge in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Go to TOBCLE.ORG/REGISTER to register. Cost is $25/person, $10 for additional sons. Click on the title for more information.
Join us for a day of fellowship, fun, and fundraising at the serene greens of Paradise Lake Country Club (1900 Randolph Road, Mogadore) on Friday, June 14, 2024. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.; shotgun starts at 9:00 a.m. The format is a Four-person Scramble. The cost is $100.00 for an Individual Golfer or $400.00 for a foursome. Register online at
You are invited to a breakfast sponsored by the Stark County Chapter of Magnificat on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. (doors open at 8:00 a.m.), at Holiday Inn Canton, 4520 Everhard Road NW, Canton, OH 44718 (this is a new location). The speaker will be Holly Linger. The cost is $25.00 if the registration is mailed in or $26.00 online. Reservations cannot be accepted after June 1, 2024. No tickets will be sold at the door. Mail-in your name, address, phone number, email and check payable to “Magnificat of Stark County” to: Sally Kohring, 4205 Cleveland Ave. SW, Canton, OH 44707.* If you are paying for anyone else, list their name and indicate if anyone listed would like a gluten-free meal. Let us know if you are willing to serve as a table hostess, greeter, lector or eucharistic minister. Call Sally at (330) 484-1623, if you have any questions. For online reservations* go to *No refunds or credit 10 days prior to event.
Join Father Dismas and Deacon John Amedeo as we journey to Rome September 2-11, 2024! Our visit will include day trips to Assisi, Orvieto, Tivoli and Ostia. This is a small group tour of only 14 people and there are currently 6 seats available. The cost for this tour is $2950.00 plus airfare and includes all expenses for our time away including, all meals, entrance fees, accommodations, and transportation by Mercedes vans. Our drivers will take us to all of the wonderful sights in these beautiful cities. Please check out the website at and click on each of the posts to see pictures of previous tours. Please do not hesitate to contact Deacon John at [email protected] or call (330) 310-1628 for more information. The itinerary for our trip is available by request.
The Annual St. Dymphna Feast Day and Anniversary Celebration will take place on SUNDAY, May 19, 2024, at the National Shrine of St. Dymphna in St. Mary Catholic Church, 206 Cherry Rd. N.E., Massillon. This year marks the 86th anniversary of the Shrine of St. Dymphna. The Very Rev. John E. Sheridan will preside at the holy Mass beginning at 2:00 p.m. Veneration of St. Dymphna’s relic and novena will be held before Mass starting at 1:00 p.m. Fellowship and light refreshments will follow Mass in St. Mary School gymnasium. Saint Dymphna is the patroness of those with mental and emotional disorders, including depression, anxiety, autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and other neurological conditions. We all know of someone who needs her intercession. For more information, please call the shrine office at (330) 833-8478 or email [email protected].
A NOTE FROM ST. FRANCIS DE SALES SCHOOL Hello Queen of Heaven Families! We are so pleased to announce that our school is growing! Because of this we are looking for some incredible, passionate, and faith-filled individuals to fill some open positions in our building. We are looking for the following: • A Part-Time Pre-K Classroom Aide • A Part-Time Kindergarten Classroom Aide • Recess monitors • A 6-8 Grade Full-Time Social Studies Teacher • A 6-8 Grade Full-Time Reading Teacher • 2 Full-Time Intervention Specialists • A Part-Time Speech and Language Pathologist • A Part-Time Technology Teacher (M, T, W, F) • A Part-Time Spanish Teacher (M, T, TH, F) All interested applicants should send their resumes and appropriate licensure to [email protected]. Thank you! Mrs. Kathryn Dougherty, Principal
Please join our parish as we affirm Mark Tomecko on his ordination to the Diaconate in a celebration on Sunday, May 26, 11:00 a.m. Mass with a pancake breakfast for all to follow in the PLC.
Please join Queen of Heaven Parish as we pray a communal Rosary every Tuesday in the month ofMay at different shrines on our property at 6:30 p.m. Click on title for more details.
QOFH Pro-Life Ministry will be selling individual carnations and bouquets to support NEO Right to Life Annual Mother's Day "Flowers for Life" in the Gathering Space on the weekend of May 11-12. Click on the title for more information.