Catholic Renewal Ministries will host Barbara Heil, on Saturday, March 1, at Queen of Heaven Parish (Parish Life Center), Barbara’s presentation is a Lenten theme, "Beloved Is Where We Begin." Registration begins at 9 a.m., followed by praise and worship, teaching and an opportunity for healing prayer. Call 330-687-8843 for more information. Registration postmarked by Friday, Feb. 22, is $35, lunch included. At the door is $35 without lunch. Click here or on the image to the right for more information, to register online or to print and mail the registration document.
Following Christ* is the second part of the ChristLife evangelization process. It is designed to help people who have completed the Discovering Christ course to grow in friendship and union with God. This course guides people in how to live as a Catholic disciple of Jesus Christ in today’s world based on basic disciplines and truths that have been practiced by Christians from the time of the early Church.
Join us for this exciting new seven session series where we gather to share a delicious meal, listen to a dynamic teaching, and grow in friendship and union with God.
*This series is open to anyone who wants to learn more about Following Christ (although helpful, one does not have to complete the first part of the Christ Life series to participate).
Please join us on Sundays, March 2 - April 13, 2025,
12:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Registration is required. Register on the parish website by clicking on the title.
Please join AM 1260 The Rock as we broadcast the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland’s Annual Mass for Life, live from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on Friday, January 17th at 10:00 AM. Listen via radio, through our website (, or on our mobile app. Your prayers for LIFE are needed now more than ever for the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn! God Bless You!
Join us for an inspiring presentation this Lenten season in
“The Joy of 167 Hours: What is your Kingdom Etiquette?”
on Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. in the church. The presentation
features Bob Pacanovsky, parishioner and national
keynote speaker with The Black Tie Experience. There is no
cost to attend.
In today’s digital age, where our actions are constantly
observed, it’s crucial for our personal and professional etiquette
to reflect our faith authentically. Do people recognize
you as a Catholic by your Kingdom Etiquette? How do you
conduct yourself during the other 167 hours of the week,
beyond the one hour at Mass? It is these hours outside the
church walls that truly test our faith and character. This presentation
explores the Book of James, offering practical insights
on how to live out our faith through our actions and
words every day. We’ll connect each element of the acronym
LASTS (Look, Act, Speak, Tact and Serve) to specific verses,
helping you navigate life with a Christ-centered perspective.
Click here for a preview of the program!
Most Catholics know exactly where their seat is in church. They are typically less aware of where they’re sitting within the Catholic Church’s potpourri of spiritualities. As with the popular The Five Love Languages (Dr. Gary Chapman), appreciating Fr. Estok’s Catholic Faith Languages can be very helpful in deepening one’s relationship of faith with Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church and a powerful tool for sharing one’s Catholic faith in the world. With the help of the CFL Discerner, Fr. Estok’s engaging presentation will offer participants an expanded vision of Church community and a fascinating path to sharing one’s Catholic Faith in the world today.
All are welcome and invited to this presentation on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. From 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Saint Vincent de Paul Family Center, 164 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44303. Registration is required! Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, February 7 to [email protected] or (330) 535-3135 X100 or go to our website at
The Catholic Cemeteries Association offers free, safe, and compassionate monthly Grief Support meetings and memorial events throughout the year. The next Grief Support meetings are on Sunday, January 19 – 3:00 p.m. In-person meeting and 5:00 p.m. Virtual meeting. The January topic is “Facing the New Year with Hope and Love”. For details, visit: For more information or questions, call Rhonda at (216) 930-4866.
Father Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus to protect the families of the Catholic Church. He had a vision to establish our organization of local councils whose members sought to strengthen their faith, to serve the needs of others, and to protect their families through our insurance program for men 18 and over. Want to be a part of that? Go to and click on Join Us. For more information contact Grand Knight Steve Dort at (330) 212-7315 or [email protected].
Please join us for a Mass for the Sanctification of Priests at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 16, at St. Paul Parish, 1580 Brown St., Akron. Holy Mass will be followed by a Holy Hour with Rosary and Benediction.
An Approved Support Group under the Department for Marriage and Family Ministry – Diocese of Cleveland.
A "Caring and Sharing" session for those struggling with divorce, separation or widowhood will be held on Monday, January 13, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Immaculate Heart of Mary's Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene Maruna, a retired Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information call Marlene (330) 607-6284.
Do you care about protecting human life at all ages and stages? Join Right to Life of Northeast Ohio and Community Vineyard Church at our annual Summit County March for Life on Saturday January 18, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., beginning at Community Vineyard Church. For more information, please contact our offices at (234) 334-0088 or email [email protected]. To register or to learn more you can go to our website under the “events” tab.
The Cluster Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 14, at Nativity of the Lord Catholic Church. Please bring your shawls and any work in progress. If anyone in the parish knows of someone in need of a prayer shawl or if you have any questions, please contact Barb at (330) 699-4769, or Louise at (330)571-3384.
The Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children is Wednesday, January 22. On this anniversary of the Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade (1973), all dioceses of the United States observe a "day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion" (GIRM, #373). Please join us for the annual diocesan Mass for Life that will be celebrated on Friday, January 17, at 10:00 am. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 1007 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Boy Scout Troop 334 and Cub Scout Pack 3334 are collecting ACME receipts through Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025. Scouts will earn 5% cash back from participating brands. All parishioners are asked to save their ACME receipts and turn them into the envelope on the bulletin board in the Gathering Space to help the Scouts earn money for troop activities. Thank you for your support!