Please join Queen of Heaven Parish as we welcome Trapper Jack back to speak about "Eucharist: A Challenging Truth to Swallow" on Tuesday, September 19, at 6:30 p.m. (1800 Steese Road, Uniontown). After 30 years away from the Catholic Church, it was the Blessed Mother who brought blind radio host, Trapper Jack, back. A series of miraculous encounters reignited his faith and now fuels his inspirational talks. Since departing secular radio, Trapper has used his microphone to share his faith through inspirational presentations, the Touched by Heaven podcast and Men's Morning Light on YouTube. All are welcome. There will be light refreshments afterward. Click on the title for complete information.
Bethlehem Christian families wood carvers are coming to Queen of Heaven the weekend of September 19 & 20. They will display their wood carvings from the Holy Land after all Masses that weekend.
LENT IS COMING! Join our faith community—and nearly 13,000 Catholic communities across the United States— in a transformative Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl in the Queen of Heaven Gathering Space in the back of the church. During the 40 days of Lent, we will reflect on the impact of global hunger and climate change on vulnerable communities around the world, and we will pray, fast and give alms to help our sisters and brothers in need. Visit to learn more. Give your CRS Rice Bowl donation online and make a difference in the lives of people in your local community and around the world. Go to: Click on the title to print out your Rice Bowl Calendar!
The Queen of Heaven Music Ministry is open to all parishioners who have the desire to sing and worship the Lord. If you play a musical instrument or love to sing, and would like to use your talent for the Lord, Queen of Heaven Church has a place for you. The Music Ministry provides an avenue for you to share your gifts and be an integral part of the worship. Our choir practices are on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the church. If you are interested in joining our ministry, please contact our Music Minister, PJ Chavez at [email protected] or the parish office at [email protected].
Lent is just around the corner, and we need your help! There will be a meeting for all who would like to volunteer at the Friday Fish Dinners during Lent on Wednesday, February 1, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Life Center (this was rescheduled from last week). It takes many volunteers to offer these Fish Fry Dinners, so please prayerfully consider helping. If you are interested in volunteering but cannot make this meeting, please contact the parish office at [email protected] or (330) 896-2345.
A bus will leave Queen of Heaven Church on Thursday morning, January 19, 2023, for an overnight pilgrimage to the March for Life in Washington D.C. We will return Friday night, January 20. The theme of the 50th annual march, titled “Next Steps: Marching in a Post-Roe America,” seeks to orient the national pro-life movement as it moves to dismantle abortion across all 50 states. We are celebrating the wonderful blessing of Roe v. Wade being overturned and a call to all pro-life people to work to build a culture of life in the United States of America. We envision a world where every life is celebrated, valued, and protected. Flyers/registration forms are available in the parish office and the Gathering Space. For more information, please contact Debby at [email protected].
Join Father Dave Durkee as your Spiritual Director on this once in a lifetime pilgrimage to the Shrine and the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe on February 13-18, 2023. The the six day trip is $2,095.00 ($1,000 deposit is due Friday, January 6, 2023, with a final balance due on Tuesday, January 10, 2023.) Checks should be made payable to Totally Yours Co., 909 S. IL Route 83, Suite 201, Elmhurst, IL 60126 (do not make checks out to Queen of Heaven). All credit cards are accepted by Totally Yours Co. for the deposit or payment. Please stop by the parish office to pick up all registration forms and other information about the pilgrimage from Totally Yours Tours, or contact us at [email protected]. Click on the title for registration form from Totally Yours Tours.
A bus will leave from Queen of Heaven church on Thursday morning, January 19, 2023, to Washington DC for an overnight pilgrimage to the March for Life, returning Friday night, January 20. The theme of the 50th annual march, titled “Next Steps: Marching in a Post-Roe America,” seeks to orient the national pro-life movement as it moves to dismantle abortion across all 50 states. We are celebrating the wonderful blessing of Roe v. Wade being overturned and a call to all pro-life people to work to build a culture of life in the United States of America. We envision a world where every life is celebrated, valued, and protected. Flyers/registration forms are available in the parish office.
All gift cards for the Green Good Neighbors Giving Tree Program should be turned in this weekend (November 27). A box is under the Giving Tree in the Gathering Space to collect the gift cards. Queen of Heaven Society of St. Vincent de Paul thanks you for your generosity!
Lessons and Carols will be presented on Friday, December 16 at 7:00 p.m. by P.J. Chavez and his friends. Hosted by the Holy Name Society. The service includes carols and scriptural readings; music will be sacred and secular.
Monday, December 12, 2022, 6:00 p.m. Mass and a Free Mexican Feast & Talk following Mass in the Parish Life Center. During the feast, brothers P.J. Chavez and Miguel Chavez will give a presentation about Our Lady of Guadalupe. P.J. Chavez is Director of Mission & Ministry for the Cleveland Clinic Mercy Hospital and leads our parish in music at the 4:30 p.m. Saturday and the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses. Miguel Chavez is the Senior Vice President of Mission & Ministry for the Sisters of Charity Health System.
I should no longer say that I have neighbors to help, but that I must myself be a neighbor to others. —Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, no. 81 Did you know that nearly 34 million Americans live below the poverty line? You can help by support the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at Mass next weekend. The envelope for this collection is in the packet of envelopes that were mailed out to all registered parishioners. #iGiveCatholicTogether also accepts funds for the collection. To learn more about the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the way CCHD upholds the moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church, visit collection.
The Sacrament of First Reconciliation for all 2nd grade PSR students & their parents is on Saturday, November 19, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the church. Registration is at 10:15 a.m. Any questions, contact Donna White at [email protected].
An Advent Family Celebration will be held in the Queen of Heaven Parish Life Center on Sunday, December 11 from 1-3 pm. There will be art, crafts, snacks, Santa’s Workshop, prayers, a live nativity with live animals and special visits by St. Nicholas and Santa. There is not a charge to attend, but donations for shut-ins will be accepted.
In observance of Veterans Day, please join us on Saturday, November 12 at 5:30 p.m. for a Patriotic Rosary in the church led by the members of Queen of Heaven’s Boy Scout Troop 334. We will pray this Rosary for the people of each state, as well as our Church, and our government leaders. Everyone is invited.
All Saints' Day Masses (a Holy Day of Obligation) will be: Monday, October 31 at 7:00 p.m. (Vigil); Tuesday, November 1 at 8:30 a.m. (livestream) and 7:00 p.m.
A special Mass will be held on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 7:00 p.m., for all those deceased from Queen of Heaven since last November 1, 2021. They will be prayed for out loud by name with a lighted candle placed in a wooden cross filled with sand. If you have a loved one from another parish who died in the last year and would like their name mentioned, please contact the parish office at (330) 896-2345 or [email protected] by Friday, October 28. All are invited to attend. This Mass will be livestreamed. There will be a social gathering after this event.
The Ozanam Center in Akron located at the Visitation of Mary Church, 93 Kent Street, Akron, OH 44305, serves the people of our area with food and clothing through volunteers only. The center is only open from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays except for holidays (volunteers come a half hour early). We are looking for more volunteers to help with distribution, especially sorting clothing and bringing it to the clothing room for people to pick at the next Queen of Heaven scheduled volunteer day at the Ozanam Center on November 5, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Call the Queen of Heaven Parish Office at (330) 896-2345 if you can volunteer.